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As a newbie to internet or having lesser knowledge, you may find trouble in finding the counter strike 1.6 free (full version) download. So my friends here I’m to help you out in this situation and I’ll provide you not just the download link but also the details. Counter Strike 1.6 Game Play and Features Counter Strike 1.6 Game play and features Counter strike 1.6 or CS 1.6 is an arcade shooting game in which two teams are there. One is of military personals and other one is of terrorists. Now the game will give you a chance to choose between two profiles and you can play it accordingly. If you’re a terrorist then you’ve to kill all the militants and also plan a bomb at the marked location. Planning bomb doesn’t make it complete but it should get blast and you need to make sure that no militant disables it. The concept is simple, you can play unlimited number of games and the team who wins the most is the winner. You can buy weapons, ammo, shields and lots of other things to protect you and kill enemies. I can’t count the features of this game. I’ll recommend you to download Counter strike 1.6 free and start playing it. You don’t have to pay anything to play. Download Counter Strike 1.6 Free (Full Version) Officially ... d-427.html Down here is the link from where you can Download Counter Strike 1.6 Free Full Version. You don’t have to pay anything to play or download the game. It is linked to Softpedia which is considered a lot trusted website in the market. Download Counter Strike 1.6 Free Don’t worry about the system requirements. It will run even on P4 computer and all Windows versions (XP/Vista/7/8). Now you need to download and Install GDF Space Utility from here and have to extract the game from that tool and then install. Also you can also buy the original game with official license to get all the available features of the game by its official developers and community.