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The Counter Strike modes radically transform the game by adding skills, super weapons, respawn and other "addons" that make the classic game something else. Many player prefere these modes to the simple game, and this is the reason that made us introduce some simple instructions on how to install and use them.

Superhero Mode tutorial on Counter Strike 1.6 server
This is a mode for AMX ModX!
A mode that transforms the player into a superhero with different powers that he earns in time by accumulating "xp", that is experience. Its installation is very simple, and it is made by use o an installer.
So, download superhero.rar here. If it takes longer, be patient! Unzipp it anywhere on disk and enter the superhero folder, doubleclick the AMX Installer. Follow exactly the same steps as in AMX ModX installation. When you reach the choosing of the folder in which you want to instll, chose the " Select mod directory ". The electing window will open, and you select HLDS\cstrike (HLDS being the directory where you have the server) and click OK. The installer installs all the components. If you already have an older version of AMX ModX, the configurations will erase. To see if it works, click in the server's console " amx_plugins". If everything is ok, you should have there all the plugins of every hero (Anubis , Batman , Superman , Basescu …etc).
You will have additional commends to the simple AMX ModX:
·amx_shsetlevel <nick | @team | @ALL | #userid> <level> - gives the player a certain level ( amx_shsetlevel Gigi 5 - si Gigi is passed to level 5 superhero )
·amx_shsetxp <nick | @team | @ALL | #userid> <xp> - sets the player's xp
·amx_shaddxp <nick | @team | @ALL | #userid> <xp> - adds xp to the player/players
·amx_shban <nick or #userid> - bans the player from using the powers
·amx_shunban <nick | #userid | authid | ip> - unbans the player
·amx_shresetxp - erases all the xp from all the players includig the ones that are not on the server at that moment
·say /superherohelp or /help - opens a helping mod window
·say /herolist - shows the list of available heros
·say /playerskills - shows every player's skills
·say /playerlevels - shows the levels of the players
·say /myheroes - shows the heros you have already chosen and the bids that you have already made
·say /clearpowers - is used to erase all your powers (in case you want to chose other heroes)
·say /showmenu - shows you the powers menu in case you can chose heroes
·say /drop <hero name> - is used to "through away" a hero in case you want another
·say /whohas <hero name> - shows who has that hero.
These are the commands, have fun !